About us
Kathy Weber and Janet Carpenter founded artistic environments, inc., in 1988. The company specializes in interior design for housing developers, commercial offices, and private residential clients.
The designers are committed to staying on top of new trends, product development, and the latest in merchandising and environmentally sound design. Their understanding of architecture and the home-building process has been key to the firm’s success.
Meet the Team
In 1988, Kathy Weber and Janet Carpenter joined forces to start Artistic Environments, Inc. Partners and friends for 35+ years, their recipe for success includes laughter, design, and chocolate.
Phone: (310) 664-1548
Fax (310) 450-4260
Email: janet@artisticenvironments.com
Phone: (310) 664-1548
Fax: (310) 450-4260
Email: kathy@artisticenvironments.com
Elan Award, Flower Street Lofts - Sales Office Design
Mame Award, Flower Street Lofts- Sales Office Design
Elan Award, Sky Lofts - Best Interior Design
Tennessee Avenue Lofts (Housing- Multi-Family)
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Click here to view the publication.